Weight Loss Doesn't Need To Be Complicated

There are low fat, low carb, low calorie, and even liquid diets.
There are so many plans and pills promising the world with quick weight loss.

It is time to stop making weight loss so complicated!

It can be extremely easy if you understand and follow the simple system.

1. Determine your maintenance calories by writing down every thing you eat for 7 days.
This includes even the little piece of cheese or chocolate, or the sugar and cream you might have put into your coffee or tea. Make sure you don't alter your diet in any way throughout these 7 days. This is considered as your typical 7 day diet recall.

2 .Use a calorie counting book and account for each and every calorie you take in.
Figure out the calorie content at the end of each day.

3. Add up the calories for all 7 days to get the grand total for the week.

4. Take the grand total and divide by 7.
This will equal your daily maintenance calories.
The amount of calories required to maintain your present body weight.
You have to assume you neither gained nor lost weight while recording these numbers.
This method will take into account individual metabolism, and physical activity levels.

5. To lose 1 pound of fat per week, you must find a way to decrease your caloric intake by 500 calories per day for seven straight days.
Consistency does count.
If you wish to increase your physical activity by 250 more calories per day, all you need to do is cut 250 calories out each day from your maintenance number identified above.

Now take a close look at your 7 day recall, and determine which foods you can either eliminate or cut down on.
Look at portion size, high fat foods, desserts and sugar based beverages.

There must be consistent, day after day.

Follow these simple steps, and you will lose body fat when ever you want.
Therefore, if you understand this simple principle, you will never be confused about what works and what doesn't for you.
Resulting in complete control over your weight.


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