All about Calories

When we work out and enter into a fitness program, often times the gym instructor will ask you to take some high calorie foods. And we are like, “okay?” Taking high calorie foods is not always bad! The main point here is that we also need to be aware of the content of the foods we eat and its role into our body. Here’s exactly what you need to know about calories.

Calories are units of energy. And energy is essential for the body that is why we need calories. We get calories from the food we eat. The higher fat content the food has, the higher is the calorie content as well; however, our body needs healthy fats. And, not all the fats we take from our foods are healthy. Still, the best way to get healthy fats and calories is through the natural way, eating and drinking fruits and vegetables.

Calories are converted into energy once taken into the body. This energy is what we use for everyday living and this energy is also needed by the body systems to function well. Once calories are converted into energy they can be used to break down cells (catabolism) or they can be used into cells/tissues (anabolism). Every time you work out or exercise, the energy is in its catabolism stage. On the other hand, if you don’t want to do exercises, the excess fat in your body will be stored and like a cooking oil placed in the freezer, it will be stagnant, hence; anabolism. And because of this, the stored energy will become a stored fat as well and an extra cell which is equivalent to gained weight.

Now that you have an idea as to how calories work and their role in our bodies, you need to be aware and conscious on the drinks and foods you take. As highlighted above; it has a great impact on gaining and losing weight. When you eat more calories, convert them into useful energies by exercising and eating natural foods that will help flush away stored energies, if not, you may be sorry for the results.


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