Things You Can Drink To Lose Weight
Ice cold water You'll burn an extra 250-to-500 calories a day by drinking 8-to-10 glasses of ice cold water because... Your body has to burn calories (or fat) in order to heat the ice cold water back up to your body temperature so basically... you can lose up to 1 lb. a week JUST by drinking ice cold water. A German study says drinking about 2 extra glasses of water can boost your metabolism by 30% and they figure when you drink about 1.5 liters of water a day you'll lose an extra 5 lbs a year. Fat Free Milk Milk is high in calcium and calcium can boost weight loss by increasing fat breakdown in fat cells. This doesn't mean you should go out and drink gallons of milk everyday - but adding milk to your diet in moderation can double the rate of fat you lose. Different studies say different things on milk and weight loss... some say you can lose 30, 50, and one study even said 70% more weight than people who don't include 3-4 servings of dairy (milk) a day. ...