No Fail Weight Loss Tips

Losing weight is a lot of peoples number one resolution made each year and many of us fail. 
Why? Because we don't understand that, what you are eating will make or break your chances for success. Losing weight is easier than you think. Follow the suggestions listed below.

Start with a cleanse
Clean up your body and watch weight loss take place faster than it would if you skipped this first step. Ridding your body of toxins and making sure your bowels are not sluggish should be considered before all else.

Diet: A temporary state of mind
What are you going to do when your diet is finished? 
Go back to eating the way you used to?
If that’s your plan, then add 10 pounds to your current weight. The word “diet” implies a temporary state of avoiding or eliminating certain foods. When you have reached your goal weight, these foods slip back into your life along with the weight you worked so hard to lose.

Don’t give in to the sweet tooth
The most common problems most people have are dealing with cravings for sugar or anything sweet. We have become a nation that is dependent on sweets. This has not served us well. Children can’t think or sit still, people are fatter than ever, and Type II Diabetes is just a matter of “when” for most people. Artificial sweeteners haven't made the problem any better.
Not only are they neuro-toxic, but also create more of a sweet tooth than you ever had in the first place. This is very dangerous for diabetics. Artificial sweeteners make it more difficult to lose weight. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!

Don’t avoid healthy fats
We were brain washed to a detrimental fault, which ended up escalating heart disease, obesity and diabetes rates. Healthy fats omega 3 fatty acids such as olive oil, fish, eggs and walnuts are some of the foods that help us metabolize fat, not gain weight. It will also help reduce inflammation, keep serotonin levels up, and will improve depression in people who suffer from depression.

Minimize Grains
It may be best to avoid multi-grain, wheat and most grains in general. Inflammatory for most people, wheat has become genetically modified in this country. It serves no healthy purpose and our bodies do not recognize it. When most people avoid wheat, sinus conditions clear up, pain minimizes, and weight comes off easy. Rice is OK for most, as well as oats.

Don’t ignore your blood type
Because the Blood Type Diet is extremely anti-inflammatory, you will not only experience weight loss, but your overall health will also improve. The two worst foods for an A blood type are red meat and wheat. Wheat, chicken and corn will be the downfall for the B blood type. O blood types would be best on a grain-free, dairy free diet. Yogurt is not beneficial for an O blood type. AB’s are a bit more complicated.

Get enough protein
Most individuals do not get enough protein and this is quite the obstacle when it comes to losing weight. Don’t be fooled into thinking that protein only comes in the form of meat or eggs, as there are many plants such as spirulina and spinach, which contain more protein pound for pound than meat. Protein shakes are a great addition, but be wary of those containing whey (not good for A and O blood types), artificial sweeteners, and long ingredient lists. Sunwarrior and Vega are excellent brands of plant-based protein powders, which are safe and digestible—even for a baby.

Avoid fake foods
Don’t be fooled by labels that proclaim health! Packaged and frozen meals will cause more harm than good. Avoid foods that require a microwave. Long ingredient lists often contain hidden MSG, trans-fats, cancer-causing chemicals, sugar, and insane amounts of salt.

Eat more vegetables than fruit
Again, we are back to sugar, but I see this all the time. So to make it simple, eat at least 4 servings of vegetables per one serving of fruit. This will help keep you on the right track and not have you falling into the sugar trap.

Success is easy if you stay focused, motivated, and get through the hardest part — the first week. After that, you are clear-headed, energetic and will notice the pounds melting off. Exercise will accelerate the progress, but don’t feel that you will fail if you cannot work out 90 minutes everyday. You can succeed with just 20 minutes per day. Walking, skiing, dancing, yoga and more will keep you heading in the right direction.


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